Tech so popular - You'll wanna sit with them

R 1,600

R 6,999 | R 8,599

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We are a South African born brand specialising in mobile device repair, boasting two decades of device lifecycle mastery.

Not just your average fixers; we're hyper-focused on our role in the circular economy. Picture "Circularity," the art of reusing, repurposing, and recycling materials and products to slay waste and pollution while bringing forth new economic benefits.

At weFix, our mission is to make technology accessible to all.

How, you ask? By offering reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible products that tackle electronic waste (e-waste).

The future looks greener and gadget-filled!

Renewed vs New

E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream damaging our planet.
Together with your help, we make tech devices sustainable!

With each Renewed device sold, you'll help save a heap of Earths valuable resources.

Read More

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